NEW DELHI: As per extant provision of law, the investigating agency has to seek sanction for prosecution. Hence the question of CVC awaiting sanction to prosecute staff/officers does not arise.
The grant of sanction for prosecution is done in a continuous process, which inter-alia involves scrutiny and analysis of voluminous case records and evidence, consultation with CVC, State Governments and other related agencies. In some cases, court directions/stay may have a bearing on time taken for grant of sanction for prosecution.
To check delay, the Government has issued guidelines vide Office Memorandum No. 399/33/2006-AVD-III dated 06.11.2006 whereby a time line of three months has been prescribed for grant of sanction for prosecution.
Further, Government has also issued procedure for submission of proposals to the competent authority for sanction of prosecution under Single Window System vide Office Memorandum No. 142/04/2012-AVD.I dated 28.07.2014. A high level Committee meets periodically under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Personnel) for scrutiny and review of delayed cases of prosecution for sanction.