NEW DELHI: The Ministry is implementing the National Career Service (NCS) Project for transformation of the National Employment Service to provide a variety of employment related services like job matching, career counseling, vocational guidance, information on skill development courses, etc. These services are available online on the National Career Service Portal (
The NCS Project also envisages setting up of Model Career Centres (MCCs) in collaboration with States and other institutions of repute to deliver employment services. Ministry has approved 164 Employment Exchanges for establishment of Model Career Centres.
The Central Government provides financial assistance to the States for establishment of MCCs based on the proposals and scheme guidelines. The State-wise details of funds approved, released and utilized are at Annexure-II. These Model Career Centres can be replicated by the States from their own resources.
In addition, the NCS project has a component of interlinking of employment exchanges with NCS and provides assistance to States for up gradation of infrastructures in employment exchanges. The Government provides financial assistance based on the proposals received from states and scheme guidelines. Funds have been released to 24 States/UTs.