On October 31, 2019, newly created union territories will get new Lieutenant Governors. The two Union Territories will come to existence on October 31. IAS officer Girish Chandra (GC) Murmu appointed as the first Lieutenant Governor of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, however, Radha Krishna Mathur has been appointed as its LG of Ladakh region.
It is also significant to note that 31st October is the birth anniversary of first Union Home Minister of India, who is also known as the Iron Man of country, who further integrated more than five hundreds princely state into the Indian control by using his effective leadership. Patel, who even integrated two Muslims ruled majority states which are Hyderabad and Junagarh also. It is also a fact that then, Prime Minister, Pt. Nehru didn't allow him handle the insightful boarder state Jammu & Kashmir and result of which is before us.
August 05th was a historic day, the reorganization of Jammu & Kashmir Act, 2019 came into effect which will be in-forced after having its own Lieutenant Governor (LG) of both territories. The history tells that Maharaja Gulab Singh which he has founded in March 1846 to a Dogra kingdom comprising Jammu and Ladakh under the treaty of Amritsar. So, it could be said that almost 173 years an old things will be placed in the historical museum after that day.
"The union territory of the Jammu and Kashmir will have a symbolic legislative assembly, while the union territory of Ladakh will have no institutions like that, and both of it will be controlled by the Union Home Ministry. The assembly of the Jammu and Kashmir will come into effect only after the election which can take place after a fresh delimitation of the state. And it will be a long run plan to perform it."
Powers of LG will be significantly increased and can also act as in his discretion in the matters relating All India Services and Anti-Corruption Bureau there. While, its assembly would have a limited power like the nation capital territory (NCT Delhi), and will have no control over the highly critical Home Department, therefore, the security will be solely preserved with the MHA.
The state legislative assembly can make law for whole state, or its limited areas as well with regard to matters enumerated to the state. The financial power of the assembly of Jammu and Kashmir will also be limited, such act – a bill or amendment shall not be introduced or moved to. However, matter related to land such as ownership rights tenures, transfer and alienation of agriculture land will be under the jurisdiction of the elected government. The land improvement and agriculture loans, land revenue (assessment and collection of tax, maintenance of land records, survey etc will also be part of state elected government.
All this will happen only and things get changed drastically on ground when this union territory will be part of nation mainstream. Therefore, it is hoped that the new dispensation under the fair control of the union government, which can further dispense justice to ignored regions and its communities such as people itself, women of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, refugees from Pakistan, members of Valmiki and Gorkha communities. They all will enjoy the equal rights and opportunities in the state.