‘Philanthropist’ Rakesh Gupta – An unstoppable Blood Donor

Garhwa: Very silently - a local boy - Rakesh Gupta has become a phenomena for localites there due to his nonstop blood donations to needy people across the district. Rakesh begins with this idea on his birthday since 2008 in a local government hospital. He is not only limited to his own district, but only moves further to help someone who has needier of the blood. Till now, he has successfully been given blood to others 36 times.

  File Photo; Rakesh Gupta

The effort is extraordinary because the exercise did not stop with a day's activity in one city.  As this is not widely acknowledged due to lack of awareness; as people still think that weakness occurs due to blood donations. Instead, it was decided to make each day a blood donation day.

“To be able to save someone's life is in our blood. Only we should be willing to gift this lifeline to people in need. And I believe all of us must do this for the sake of others. Such a massive drive may not be possible every day but we are confident that it will have a long lasting impact on peoples' minds. “We genuinely want to create awareness about blood donation. People have to feel for the cause and willingly donate. They should realise by donating blood they can save lives,” he adds.

While, he completed MBA and too associated with a company as a part of job. Apart from his professional career, he keenly watches other aspects of life including social services. Rakesh too involved with Giants Group, Jagriti and Gardevi Bhandara Samiti which are also working for social causes in the region.