NEW DELHI: Exercise INDRA 2019 a joint, tri services exercise between India and Russia will be conducted in India from 10 — 19 December 2019 simultaneously at Babina (near Jhansi), Pune, and Goa. The INDRA series of exercise began in 2003 and the First joint Tri Services Exercise was conducted in 2017, It will be a historic occasion for two of the world's greatest Armed Forces to join hands and successfully conduct an exercise of this magnitude with professionalism, to imbibe the best practices from each other, jointly evolve and drills to defeat the scourge of terror under the United Nation mandate.
Company sized mechanised contingents, fighter and transport aircraft as well as ships of respective Army, Air Force and Navy wiil participate in this exercise of ten days duration. The exercise will consist of a five day training phase consisting of a comprehensive training curriculum.
Tactical operations end drills such as cordon house intervention, handling and neutralisation of Improvised Explosive Devices, prevention of arms smuggling through the sea route and anti-piracy measures will be practiced. This training phase will be followed by a 72 hour validation exercise. INDRA 2019 will culminate on 19 December with an Integrated Fire Power demonstration and the Closing Ceremony.
The contingents of both the countries will share expertise and their professional experience. The espirit-de-corps and goodwill shall be the key areas during the exercise which will facilitate further strengthening of bonds between the defence forces of India and Russia.