NEW DELHI: Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF & CC) in the Standards Terms of Reference (ToR) for conducting the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies for any proposed River Valley and Hydroelectric Project have mentioned the norms for release of Environmental flows which is 30% in monsoon season, 20% in lean season and 25% in non-monsoon & non-lean season to be followed corresponding to flow of 90% dependable year. These norms along with the site specific requirements for environment flow releases as per the studies are then stipulated in the Environment Clearance (EC) letter for compliance.
With regards to the monitoring of the e-flow releases, the Regional offices of MoEF & CC and the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) along with the State Pollution Control Boards concerned have been mandated for monitoring of all the environmental aspects of the Hydro Power Projects.
Cleaning of river is a continuous process and under Namami Gange programme the Government of India is supplementing the efforts of the State Governments in addressing the challenges of pollution of river Ganga by providing financial and technical assistance.
Under Namami Gange Programme, diverse set of interventions for cleaning and rejuvenation of river Ganga have been taken up. These include pollution abatement activities including sewage treatment, industrial effluent management, ghat & river surface cleaning, river front development, rural sanitation, aviral dhara, afforestation, biodiversity conservation, public participation etc.
So far, a total of 305 projects have been sanctioned at an estimated cost of Rs. 28,613.75 crore, out of which 109 projects have been completed and made operational, rest of the projects are at various stages of implementation.
In order to avoid disposal of untreated sewage into river Ganga and its tributaries, under Namami Gange programme, till September, 2019, 150 Sewerage infrastructure projects have been taken up with a sanctioned cost of Rs. 23,130.95 crore for creation of new capacity 3731.14 Million Litre Per day (MLD), rehabilitation of 1114.39 MLD capacity and laying of around 4972.35 KM sewerage network.