NEW DELHI: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) organized a one day workshop for Strengthening of Statistical system of States/UTs at The Ashok, New Delhi on 10th January, 2020. Shri Pravin Srivastava, Chief Statistician of India-cum-Secretary (MoSPI) while giving introductory remarks, set the tone for discussions.Vijay Kumar, Director General (Surveys), T. K. Sanyal, Director General (Economic Statistics), A. K. Sadhu, Director General (Social Statistics), National Statistical Office (NSO), other senior officers of MoSPI and representatives of Directorates of Economic and Statistics (DESs) from States/UTs, and World Bank participated in the workshop.
A number of presentations on various reform initiatives of MoSPI and the experiences in Official Statistics of States namely, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka were made during the workshop, highlighting the achievements of Support for Statistical Strengthening (SSS), a sub-scheme of Capacity Development scheme of MoSPI, and the way forward on revamping it.
The World Bank team also made a brief presentation on the National Programme for Improving Quality of Statistics in India (NPIQSI), a project under preparation envisaging the assistance of World Bank under Investment Project Financing (IPF) as a first phase. It was also highlighted that the second phase of World Bank assistance under Development Policy Financing (DPF) envisages further improving the National Statistical System with major focus on strengthening of the States/UTs. Specific expectations of the Government of India from States/UTs in this regard were also indicated.
The States/UTs were divided into four groups for breakout sessions with the objective to come out a set of suggestions for recasting the SSS sub-scheme in line with the Vision 2024 of MoSPI, aiming at strengthening the National Statistical System with active collaboration of States/UTs.